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Top Three Takeaways from the 2020 Data Training Sessions

Nov 19, 2019

CPQCC held its annual data training sessions on October 17th, 18th, and 23rd in locations across Northern and Southern California. Below are the top three takeaways from this year’s training sessions:

Maternal Exposures Data Collection

CPQCC has launched a new pilot project to collect data on maternal substance exposures, including but not limited to opioids.

  • Data will be used to drive improvements in care for substance-exposed newborns by focusing on treatment and length of stay in the hospital.
  • Participation in the pilot project is optional and is open to both CPQCC member and non-member hospitals.
  • Data collection will be NICU focused, but will not be limited to the NICU. In other words, data may also be collected on babies in other locations in the hospital who have been exposed to substances in utero.
  • Data will be housed on CPQCC’s NICU Data site.
  • This pilot project is separate from the Mother & Baby Substance Exposure Initiative, which CPQCC is implementing in partnership with CMQCC and Health Management Associates.

For more information on the Maternal Exposures Data Collection Pilot >>

NICU & HRIF Summary Reports

Our NICU & HRIF Summary Reports are some of the most valuable tools available to you and your team! Use these reports to:

  • Track the surgeries and hospitalizations that your patients have received by the time of their first HRIF visit
  • Identify areas for improvement in your HRIF clinic
  • Determine a child’s need for specialty services

Access your NICU & HRIF Summary Reports through the HRIF Reporting System.

Maternal/Fetal Transport Pilot Project

CPeTS is conducting a small pilot project to determine whether mothers of high risk infants (e.g., those with EFW < 1500 grams, EGA < 32 weeks, prenatal diagnosis of major congenital anomaly) who were admitted for greater than 24 hours could have been transferred prior to delivery to hospitals with more appropriate levels of care for their infant.

A new data item has been added to the transport form to explore how often this occurs, and the reasons for not transporting the mother (e.g. advanced labor, maternal bleeding, mother medically unstable, non-reassuring fetal status). NICUs will be asked to submit this information starting in 2020.

Questions about the maternal/fetal transport pilot project? Please submit a help ticket.