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Pre-Palooza Reflection - Tier Two (VLBW)

For the United States, the rate of preterm births is ___(1)____, and the infant mortality rate is ___(2)____. The preterm birth rate is (3) lower/higher than previously reported. The racial/ethnic disparities observed in preterm births (4) decreased/increased as compared to the prior March of Dimes Report Card findings. Within my state of ___(5)____, the preterm birth rate is __(6)_____. Our state’s racial/ethnic disparity ratio is at a(n) (7) unknown/higher/lower level. When I think about what drives increasing preterm birth rates, I must consider how social determinants of health can have more of an influence on this adverse health outcome than biology and genetics. For example,  I understand redlining  to be ______(8)_________________. I define weathering as ________(9)_______________. The way that I would describe how redlining and weathering are related is _________(10)______________. These are important concepts for helping to explain higher preterm birth and infant mortality rates among Black and Indigenous babies because _________(11)______________. Beyond highlighting the “big: data, what happens to the patients in my NICU especially matters to me. I was (12) surprised/not surprised to see a (13) difference/no difference in infant mortality rates based on what the racial/ethnic identities of our babies were. I (14) never/rarely/sometimes/often/always think about how bias, prejudice, and/or racism that occurs both outside of and within the NICU can affect health outcomes for NICU babies. Because of this, I (15) have/have not tried to do something positive to improve the culture and practices within my NICU.

Please record your responses below for each of the (15) spaces in this structured reflection.

Note: Please do not share any names/identifying information in your reflection response.